Monday, December 17, 2012

Wreck-it Ralph!


From when I first watched the trailer of ''Wreck-it Ralph'' I decided to watch the movie.  But none of my friends wanted to go to the cinema with me (okay I didn't ask everyone but the ones I asked didn't know the movie). But surprisingly it was my aunt who talked about her desire t watch this movie. And I immediately said I wanted to watch the movie, too. So, we watched the movie on Friday.
And were both really impressed and loooved the movie. We were the oldest in the cinema (except a mother with her child) because it's a Disney movie for children. It was also really typical for such a movie. With everything being cute and beautiful and a ''Happy End''. BUT there were also some things that weren't that typical and that made the movie so awesome.
The characters of the different persons.

Like, for example Vanellope.
At the first glance she was such a cute little girl, but in real life she was some cheeky girl that behaved mean, especially to Ralph. But then, after knowing him, she showed her real feelings (love, but also sadness because she was left out with everything) but she still said her opinion. I also liked her Glitch-thing, because it fit her so much.

Then there was Felix who was the ''perfect-nice-guy''. In his game he fixed everything Ralph destroied and helped everyone. He had the big apartment and everyone liked him. Everything should be perfect. So, it was a big disaster for him when Ralph left. But while he searched him, he met a wonderfull badass women: Sargent Calhoun . He fell in love with her and blablabla. But then she left him and he was sad (poor Felix). Until she came back to him and they finally married (with much security. I will explain that later). They were the only couple in the movie (I won't include the father-daughter relationship of Ralph and Vanellope).

She also was an incredible cool character with a sad background story (which was kinda hard for a children movie). Her love has been killed on ther wedding (therefoor the high security on her secong wedding) so she turned in that tough/ bad-ass charakter and fought against the insects that killed her boyfriend (in the game). I really like tough characters in movies, because I'm tired of all these ''Oh-I-am-Barbie'' girls. I understand though, that these characters are nice for little children, so I won't bitch about that now.

Last but not least Ralph. His character was one of the best. He was the ''Bad boy'' in his game because he had to destroy everything and was left out by the others (much like Vanellope, what made them so similar). Then he didn't want to be bad anymore and fled from his game. He went through different adventures to finally realise, that he just doesn't have to behave like a bad-boy in REAL life. He can't change his game-character but he could save everything and be nice nevertheless. That was a nice turn out and the kids can learn from that. ;)

What was also good, was the thing with this Turbo guy. He was mentioned one time and I already forgot about him, when it turned out that HE was the bad king. That was a big surprise, but it was cool. Normally you what will happen. So the typical end for me would have been: The king dies/ goes to prison/ whatever and was just jealos and wanted power. But that he was this Turbo guy from another game was quite funny.

I also really liked the different famous charas like Pacman, Sonic atc. And how the bad guys met and talked about their problems (lol).
I loooved the design of the whole Sugar Rush world. Just aaawweeessoomme!! Everything looked so delicious, especially that Cola thing. And it was nice, how the kids looked. Vanellope had these things in her hair that just stayed there the whole time o.O. But the rest of her clothes looked quite normal so it was a cute touch. And BTW her car was so coooool. ;)

Oh, and I can't forget to mention the little Japanese touch the movie had. Ooooooh yeay, AKB48 sung a song from the movie. When I sat there and the song was played for the first time I was like: ARGHBNJMGHJhVJHVHJhvhjd..
I told my aunt that it's a Japanese song. hihihi
And the song is soo catchy. Sugar Rush, Sugar Rush.

Now I like them even more. o.O
So that's it from me..
I have to go to sleep now :'D
Bye, bye

Yes, the movie was that awesome ;)

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