Monday, February 18, 2013

One shot

Now I'm actually going to review something I already wanted to do so since the date of the release. (I was just lazy.. xP) It's B.A.Ps ''One Shot''. They are back (again).. No really, is there another group, especially a rookie group, that is active that much as B.A.P?? I mean, they did SO MUCH last year. And now they are back again with their new mini album. They released the song ''Rain Sound'' and now finally the whole thing. Well, I'm not really actively following B.a.p (and with that I mean I justt now their title songs) but I totally enjoy them as a group. Their debut seingle ''Warrior'' was awesome and left a big impression not only to me. Between all these rookies last year, B.A.P could shine because of their hard work and consecutive releases. I'm happy that ''One shot'' has got the typical B.A.P sound gain. ''Stop it'' didn't really make it for me and ''Rain sound'' also wasn't THAT impressive. But now they impressed me again. Oh yes, the song is awesome. It's everything Warrior was.. Totally awesome rap parts, but also a decent singing part in the refrain. You can hear that they have really good talent (ooh, yes^^). 

As for the lyrics.. Whyyy? Why use such bad English? Why can't the korean lyric writers make at least that right? ''You just get the rock to me'', what does he want to say with that? And I won't talk about the ''mind in the gutter'' part.. *sigh*

But the rest of the lyrics is quite good. There are some parts that aren't that important, but I actually really like this part:
 ''Shake your head and say no to being a slave to laziness

All those who don’t try, wake up right now

You want a high position by just sitting in your room?

This isn’t a game – why can’t you separate it from reality?''

Yep, that's so true!! (Holy crap, I'm lazy sooo often.. But I studied hard this weekend, so yeah^^)
It's quite nice hearing something that isn't about love. :D

As for the MV I've got one word: intense.. Well, at least the end. xD
We'll take a closer look at the video in a few seconds.. Just.. just, I have to say I HATE it when the song stops in a video. Okay, it can have a nice effect but here it is done soooo bad.. I don't know, I just don't like it.. Sorry
But now on to the actual video..

AT first we see the members on a luxary ship. And they have fun.. Oh, there are also girls..

I just hope Zelo isn't drinking anything (he's younger than me! HE'S FREAKING YOUNGER THAN ME!!) *cough* Sorry but there aren't many korean artists that are younger than me... I just wanted to point that out.. arrgh, just forget it xP

Aaaah, good boy. He's just eating grapes while the others are drinking wine.^^

Big entry with helicopters and everything.

Engrish.. aaarrgh.. >.< Sorry Yong-guk, but it's crap what you're saying..

Daaance.. Uh, I like dances.. And the members of B.A.P CAN dance. They dance with so much sharpness, it's really good..

Oookay, cool down... (I don't really like how the video is filmed.. It's blurred out so often and the camera shakes too much)

Yong-guk: Hey, bro. Whassup?

Well, Jong-up suddenly gets attacked by a gangster of a ganster gang (see the gangster sun glasses?? xD).
Jong-up: Uuurgh..

Now, Jong-up lays on the ground and Yong-guk tries to help him..

Oh yeah, daance.. xD

He's sad about being hurt.. Poor Jong-up..

So B.A.P is also a gang full of gangsteeers..

Oh yes, the sunglasses gangster gave them a USB stick.. They now have to look up what's on it.

Everyone is gathering around the laptop  to watch what's on the stick.

Oh, ganster alarm!!

And behind him is Young-jae who has been kidnapped and doens't look that good.. I guess he's part of the B.A.P gang.

So apperantely the other gangsters will kill him.

THE BUNNY!! THE BUNNY!! Oh, I love it xD

Zelo :o He's cute..

Okay.. So the gangsters want 10,000,000 $ or they will kill Young-jae..

Gangster: We want da caaash!!

Ooh noos... How can they get that much money??

Uaaaaw!! The dance move!! OMG, it's sooo cool. Look at that! Hes dancing on the ground like that!!
One of the coolest dance moves I've ever seen!!

And now he's going up like this, so cool.

Making plans..

Zelo: I'm not sure what I have to photograph. :?

Yong-guk: Okay, listen carefully. We have to get that right!! With these little cars we will safe him.. Or we will use your chain.. This can be helpful..

Oh yeaaah..

Me want this box!!

He's working on the car.. So they will use BIG cars..^^

Give money for..

..some guns??? Guns? Seriously? Okay the title is 'One shot' so I guess there has to be something to shoot with..

Policemen are putting sacks of money in a van..

And then comes the B.A.P gang and steals the money, yeay.

In the Subway... Young-jae is still alive..

Uahahahaha, that's cool. And it looks funny..

HA! Sunglasses!! xD They ARE the sunglasses gang..

And the B.A.P gang appears..

Oh, the money...

Guiiise, you saved me!!!

Sunglasses: You will DIE!!

Crap.. he really shot him!!



Yong-guk: Nooooo! Why? *shoots everyone*

Now they begin to shoot like crazy..

Zelo dies..

Everyone is dead...

No, baldy tries to run away with the money.. (but you can see Yong-guk who is ready to shoot him)

And he does it...



An alternative ending.. *yeay*

SO back to when Young-jae came back..

This time the police comes.

Sunglasses gangsters try to run away.

Zelo: I'm too young to go to prison!!

Oh, oh, oooh. We now discover, that Yeong-jae works with the police.. So he was a spy??

He betrayed all his fellow gangster buddies..

So now they will all be arrested..

And the END...

Oh, it was really intense... I think the story is quite interesting and well done. Even though I don't really get the beginning on the ship (just whyy??) and some other parts, it was clear what the story is about. That's good because there are many korean MV where you just think: What??
So this one is great. BUT (yes, there has to be one everytime) I still don't like the camera work here (sorry, guys). It's so irretating... And I don't really see why this was so expensive. I mean, there weren't many special effects etc...

Well, all in all it is still a really good song and video and I enjoyed both. So, I recommend listening to it or even watching it.^^

Now it's my turn to say goodbye.. Until next time :D

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