Sunday, February 3, 2013

Why did that happen??

Mii-chan has a scandal?? MIICHAN??

But yes, it is a 'scandal'. She has been photographed leaving GENERATIONS member Shirahama Alans house by the'Shukan Bunshun'. First, it was just rumor but THEN she shaved her hair and apologized throug a video on youtube.

See the difference?
With that she shows how serious she is about the whole thing. In the video she showed her real feelings and even cried. I feel so sorry for her..

But why does a 20 year old have to apologize for dating a man? Well, remember that this is in Japan. Here Idols have got a certain 'No Dating Rule'. That means if they date, they will be punished. Not really punished, but most of the times they have to leave their group or will be transferred to another one (Sashihara Rino from AKB48 to HKT48). Akimoto Sayaka has been shafted into the back every time since she had a scandal.
I don't like this rule at all. It takes the freedom from them so that they can be the puppets of their producers. 'Pure' Idols that every fan loves. You can imagine them as your girlfriends and many get obsessed with them. You wouldn't like it if they would get a boyfriend. YOU couldn't come together with them anymore. So you would probably stop being her fan.. IF you do that, you haven't really been her fan at all before.
Even though I don't like how Idols are being treated in Japan I have to accept it. It's different from our western treatment (look at Justin Bieber, he had several girlfriends). It's even different from the South Korean treatment. Korean Idols will lose fans, too but they won't be pushed out of a group.
Yes it is different in Japan but I try to understand it. I think the rule is there to PROTECT the idols. When they got a boyfriend they would be distracted and couldn't work that hard anymore. They have nearly no time for them so it would be a hard relationship. Many celebrity couples break up because they work so far away from each other. And this rule definitely protects them from being pregnant or marrying.. which would be the end of an Idol carrer in Japan.
In Miichans case even though it was probably her own decision to shave her hair, perhaps it was a bit through the pressure of the society and her obsessive fans.
But what happened to her? Did they push her out? Did they transfer her to another group? No, they transferred her to the kenyuusei.. She is now a research student and we don't know what will happen to her.. Will she get promoted again in the future?? I think this is a little bit hard. I mean she is still one of the founding members of AKB and she has been there for 7 years now. The worst thing is that Shirahama doesn't get any punishment. It's always the girls that get the punishment... But we can't really change that. I just hope she will get in the voting single this year so that Aki-P knows the fans still love her.. AND THEY DO. Many fans support her and even her fellow members and friends do that.

Good Luck Miichan. :)

Something else did happen to AKB48 while I wasn't online a few days. Itano Tomomi will graduate this year.

Tomochin?? Whyyy? All 1st generation members leave one after another. :(
I've got my own little history with Itano Tomomi.
I saw her in a CM and thought her mouth was funny (it is!!!).  That was waaay before I knew anything about AKB48 (okay I knew they existed). But then I somehow forgot about her.
Then I saw her at a big poster in Shibuya/ Tokyo and was like: Uhm, I know her somewhere from. I was able to watch a music video from her (I think it was 'Dear J'... the song is awesome). But when I went home and wanted to watch several videos I watched in Japan on TV, I couldn't find any of them on youtube. I was also too lazy to continue searching for that special song. So I forgot about it and also about Tomochin (well a little bit). Then after finding out more about AKB48 I didn't really care THAT much about her anymore. But still liked her.^^ And I still think her mouth is funny. xP
So now I'm really sad that she will graduate. :( She was special in many ways and I will miss her. But I think she will have a good carreer as a solo singer and as an actor in CMs (because she is in many of them).

So these are two sad stories coming from AKB48.
But there is also one really good thing that happened last week. And it's this one:

'Kiseki wa ma ni awanai' got freaking 2nd place in Request hour!!! Sae-chan yeaaaah... *-*
Soo good to see her back with the other members.

Heavy Rotation dropped to 4th place xP 
I think the fans were sick of that song always dominating

Oooooh.. And Sayakas 'Mushi no ballad' was 5th place!!!! Sooo awesome. There was so much Twin Towers love xD

That's it with AKB48 for this time. There is so much going on... *sigh*
Bye, bye^^

Because they were awesome too.. I love 'Two Roses'.

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