Friday, January 3, 2014

Barrette - Shoot them all!!

In the end I finally found enough time to end my review of Nogizaka46's 7th single ''Barrette'' that was released on Novermber 27!

You know, I never really paid much attention to this group. They are the rival group of AKB48 but they don't really belong to their sister groups, even though Aki-p also writes their songs and there have been several collaborations with AKB48 members. Ikoma was the only one I knew, because she was the first center, so here face was everywhere on their covers etc. Also, she was in an episode of Hakata Hyakkaten and she was pretty hilarious. But yeah, I knew nothing about this group and didn't really give their songs a try. Until now of course, with the release of Barrette!
This song is absolutely beautiful. It even begins with a rather quiet flute that seem to be rare in Pop songs. As a whole the song sounds pretty depressive and melancholic. It actually reminds me a bit of AKB48's older stage songs and singles with its edgy sound. The voices sound so sorrowful here and the whole song has a pretty old feeling to me.

At first we see a pretty creepy guy here.. ew..

OMG, and he kidnapped a girl..

Yeah, he is REALLY creepy. And his laugh.. -.-

This girl can act, wow. Her screaming sound so realistic!

And who's that girl?

Oh no, what happened to the girl from before?

Is she a doll now??

Are they selling the girls????

And here comes Miona, the only 2nd gen!

Seems like everyone wants to buy her..
WTF, foreigners??

Poor Miona -.-

Okay, so Mai got an SMS..

And it says ''Tasukete'' (Help Me)
My Japanese skills.. Muahahaha!

She looks like a model here.. such a natural beauty :)

Okay, seems like everyone got an SMS

Ikoma has a pink cellphone xD

And Reika reminds me a bit of Ai-chan.
Which means, she is totally awesome! (Oh, she's the leader? Great!)

Ikoma's voice is so freaking cute..

Sayuri is also shocked..
But how could Miona write a message?

Ah okay, problem solved xP

Hi there girls. They look pretty badass.. except for the school uniforms

Let the song and dance begin!!
What Mai is at the front?

Oh well, they make place for Miona.. and are they in the theater where the auction was?

Hi weird center xD

The girls are now going into the house.. How did they find there? xD

Be careful cute girls, he might..

Holy shit, that's badass!!

Creepy guy is still creepying around Miona.. grrrr.. let the poor innocent girl alone -.-

The top senbatsu members.. What are they called? Hachi Fukujin?

Oh hey! All of them have weapons!!

Kill them bastards!

Aye, aye captain.

What a beautiful scene *-*

The lower ranked girls.

The dance in the chorus looks a bit funny, but since everyone looks so serious it looks cool

Yeay, shoot 'em!!!

OMG, badass Sayuri!!

This looks soooo good.. Best scene ever!!!!

Nanami looks also pretty cool..

I didn't mention it before, but I think Nogizaka46 looks a lot more elegant and mature than the 48 groups.

These shots are really beautiful **

Now the members are stepping  to the front of the theater..

The whole senbatsu for this song!!

Well, since they don't have an audience it looks a bit odd..

Yeay for the Japanese sword!!
But why isn't the guy shooting??

Miona in the middle..

She looks as if she wants to kill me..

See, always the same face..
But she looks interesting and a bit creepy (Rena creepiness)

Guy: You won't kill me, right??

We will!


And the end of the dance shot!

Now the girls free Miona and everyone is happy..

.. until Mai gets shot.. WTF?

Oh no, she's dead?

Who would do that!

Oh no, Miona o.O

She wanted to have them to be selled..

Everyone is obviously shocked.

And the video ends with a big BANG!

Wow, that was one AWESOME video. First, the creepy girl auction, than the badass Nogi members, who killed the bad guys. And at the end the big turning point: Miona actually was on the side of the bad guys and killed Mai. Wow, I dodn't expect this to happen but it was played so good. I kind of really like the creepy staring look of Miona's eyes. Okay, it's probably more intense because of the creepy video, but I really like her. Also, even though she isn't shown THAT much I really like Reika here. It's mostly because of her looks though and because she looks different from others, but I also watched a few videos of her and it's safe to say that she's my favourite member until now.. But I don't know that many. I know Ikoma Rina, Ikuta Erika, Shiraishi Mai, Hashimoto Nanami, Matsumura Sayuri and of course Sakurai Reika. Yeah that's it, but it's already a bit better than before. ;)

So all in all, this release really showed me that Nogizaka46 actually is an interesting group with interesting music and lovely members. I will surely follow them more now!

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