Thursday, November 29, 2012

Let's get crazy with Crazyno

Hi there, here is another music video review from me. (I like doing them lately, especially the screen shots)
So when I searched some videos on YouTube I accidently clicked on the song ''Musiche'' by Crazyno, whom I never really heard before. At first I was like: That can't be good. :T
You have to know, I'm really critical with rookies. Like REALLY. I don't like many of the new k-pop rookies. Nevertheless, I watched the video of this new singer (not that new, seems like I'm too late for this song).
I thought it would be a typical ''k-pop-Idol'' song, but oh I was wrong. It's such a funny video.
The song itself begins with this pop-feeling but changes into something more Psy-like after the few seconds. Oh yes I'm mentioning Psy because Crazyno is similar to him. Just an idolized young boy (having the looks from Kim Hyun-Joong, I'm not kidding) who is really funny. His face impressions are just hilarious. ;) He also dances like he is crazy (Crazyno.. xD)
So here are the pics:

The video begins with Crazyno disturbing a man and running after him. (omg greeeen!)

Now we know that the song is called ''Musiche'', thank you.^^

First real impression of him. He looks quite good (like Kim Hyun Joong, I'm saying it!)
But these leoprint jacket and trousers somehow suit him. :'D
And his English is funny. (WTF he's from Australia?)
This is.. a masterpiece!

FIERCE. (OMG he looks good o.O)
Listen up.

But yes, you are crazy :P

Why U so tall??
Crazyno: Arrgh, come this way!!
Crazyno: Stop fighting, little kids!!
Kids: WTF?

Then he suddenly dances and looks funny.
But the kids aren't impressed.

Next, he disturbes some cool dancers and...

..dances his own funny dance.

I must have that waatch!! :o
He turns into a thief?? No, not really. He just likes to annoy other people.
Crazyno: This way, Lady. We have to hurry.
Women: Whut?

Effects.. Because we just need them in a K-pop video.


Okay, that looks better (oh hi Kim Hyun Joong)

Let's kidnapp another women.
Guy: My life is shit. -.-

Here he dances his funny dance again.. And the people just stare at him. (nooo, reaaally, I can't read the ''7 eleven'' sign. ô.O)

Duck face.. but a funny one ;)
And that girl looks reaallyy annoyed.

 Why are you so annoyed by me?? I'm cool!
Background dancers -> fail

Now he starts to look and sing like Lee Joon o.O

Hahaha, that's just hilarious. :D

Wow, now he really impressed me.
And his voice is good, too.
Uhm.. Unnecessary to breath so loud :'D

But I'm sexyy..


Riiight... eend
I really enjoyed the video. The song wasn't as good as the video, but well it was okay.
His voice is okay too and he looks good. ;) Despite being a little bit creepy he is really funny and I like the dance and how they filmed it. (really faaast dancing, yeay)
So that's it again, as I said in another post before I still don't write that much :'D
But I hope you liked it.
Bye, bye
Because I just can't get over her awesomeness.

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