Sunday, February 23, 2014

Let's get serious - Gain

Gain is finally back with her 3rd mini album ''Truth or Dare''!!!

Actually the title track of this album is also called ''Truth or Dare'' and really is a great song. 
BUT honestly, there's another song that's just so much better and it's ''Fxxk You'', so that's what this post will be about.

The song, it is actually pretty at first with only guitar-music. The guitars stay the through the whole song and even though it gets a bit more upbeat after a while, it still has a very serious feel. Yep, this song is so serious and sad with a dark feeling which can be especially heard in the chorus, where Gain sings Fxxk you. The whole lyrics are about an abusive relationship and Gain is obviously the victim.
She doesn't always want to have sex, so she says to her boyfriend
Where do you think you’re putting those bad hands? Fxxk U, don’t want it now
But at the same time she still loves him and can't leave him: 
It’s always a hard problem. I’m scared of this problem. It's okay. I’m not going anyway, I’m here, only by your side. So now, this can never really end 
These relationships do exist and I think it's so great that Gain does a song about this and points out how big of a problem it actually is. Being in an abusive relationship isn't only physically hurtful, but also psychological hurtful. As described by Gain, it's the love that makes it so hard to actually leave the abuser, even though the victim is hurt. The video also shows how hard this situation is:

So seeing the video, one realizes how dangerous the whole situation is. Gain feels abused and doesn't want to have sex all the time, but her boyfriend doesn't listen to her and uses his force. There are a few moments where everything seems good like where they are both in the shower and she plays with his face until they even hug each other. But that's it and the next scene is the bloody scene that symbols that Gain is actually getting hurt all the time. Both of them seem hopeless and in the end it seems as if the guy wants to kill them both. This part I don't really understand, but it seems as if her boyfriend also suffers under the situation and it probably shows that there won't be a happy end for the couple.

I really admire and respect Gain for using this concept for her song. It's always hard to show poblems like this, but I think Gain showed it in a very realistic way. This song and video makes you really think about how big of a problem rape and abusive relationships really are. I hope that I'm not the only one who think's about it like that, but there seem to be many positive comments about it so far.

I also personally really like dark and mature songs very so this is a great song for me.
Kudos to Gain, for creating such a serious song. She definetely is one of the best singers of Korea!!!

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