Sunday, January 22, 2017

Nogizaka46 Handshake Event at Makuhari Messe 2017.01.22

And I'm back with another handshake report from Makuhari Messe today. This time it's just a really short wrap-up, since I only met one Nogizaka46 member. Butcoming back to the place, it felt really nice. I think I'm getting used to going to events, haha.

So, what I noticed this time, the place inside was smaller.. which makes sense, because there are less members and stuff. But on the other hand, there were still soooo freaking many fans. o.o
The security check was first and then you had to show your ticket a bit later. Which means everyone can enter the hall. Next to the main event was also a goods stand and some Birthday event people. Sooo.. after entering I had to line up again, show my ticket and then find my lane.

WAKATSUKIIII was number 8. Yes, I won a Waka-sama handshake ticket. I actually applied for Naachan too, but didn't win any. Since this was actually the first time I ordered a handshake ticket, I just stayed with with the one ticket. Should have taken more maybe, but yeah. I really like Wakatsuki though!
So I lined up for her. It was packed, but not thaaaat much. Other lines were more packed *cough* Nanase and co. I was there almost exactly at 10 when the slot started, Wakatsuki was early and everything went quite fast. Guess who was standing next to Wakatsuki? Of course it was Reika!! I could clearly see her and she looks SO BEAUTIFUL. Well, actually for members that are not next to the Idol you are meeting, it's actually not possible to see them because of walls in front of them. I could see Kazumin on the other side, but that's it.. That's one big difference to AKB48 handshake event, though it was also hard to see more Idols there, haha.
So, when it was finally my turn, I noticed that she had a mask. I was prepared for almost everything, but that shocked me a bit. It's the first time meeting an Idol with a mask, which then means she is not feeling that well. Well, kudos for her that she still came, though she should rest if it's to bad.

Me: Good Morning, I love you!
Waka: Oh, thank you.
Me: Are you ok?
Waka: Yeah, I'm sorry for making you feel worried.
Me: It's ok.
Waka: Please come again.
Me: I will

So that one was so short.. I didn't even realize I was meeting her, haha. No I noticed her eyes and since I love her eyes that was nice. They are so beautiful.
Since I worried for her, I wanted her to know that we fans care for her. But she kinda turned it around a bit and apologized for not feeling well. WHICH SHE DOESN'T HAVE TO. But she was still so sweet and I'm happy she at least said more then just yes and thank you. And she told me to come again, which I really want to!!
I'm not disappointed,, I do feel sorry for her. It was still nice to finally see her because I do love her a lot!! And Nogizaka events are also interesting. I noticed that thousands of people were lining up for the goods, hahaha.

I was done at 10:30, so I walked around Makuhari for a few hours. Tokyo Bay is close, so I took a look and there was a Marathon, which was also interesting to see! There was also a little Japanese garden called which only costed 100 Yen, so I went there and it was beautiful.

So all in all I had a quite relaxing day with only one handshake and a bit of walking around.
It's really nice to meet a member you love and I hope I can meet Nanase once on my lifetime, too.
I really hope Waka-sama gets well soon though!!
And I have to get better at talking, hahaha


  1. Whoaaa it must be nice to meet wakasama, I admire her too. She is really talented XD, just like Ikuta Erika :) but nogi members are well-polished idol imho, and I like it.

    1. Thank you for your comemnt :D
      I love Wakasama a lot, so seeing her not so well was quite sad but I'm still happy that I got to meet her!

    2. I'm kinda jealous XD, anyway, Wakasama is really really pretty in the recent single. Do you have a plan to make a review of Influencer? thanks a lot. It's really nice to read your blog, knowing that there is another girl beside me who likes 48/46 groups, you know, my friends think that I'm a weirdo because I'm a girl and I like 48/46 group. T.T
      I'm so happy when you update your blog XD, have a good time in Japan, Ronja! ^o^)/

    3. Yes she is!! The new MV is visually perfect and everyone looks so stunning! *-* I do want to write a review on Influencer, but I don't know when I will be able to do it ^^'
      And yeah, I feel almost the same, I don't really have friends who like Idols..
      But you are not a weirdo :3
      It's nice to get to know you through my blog!!
      Thank you a lot and I will continue to update when I have time <3

    4. Thank you so much, I'm so happy to hear that <3 <3 <3
