Sunday, April 14, 2013

Like a Gentleman

It happened.. Psy released his follow up song after ''Gangnam Style'' and it's called ''Gentleman''. Will this song be as popular as GS??? We will see...
Let's see what I have to say about it for now.
First: This is pretty similiar to Gangnam Style!!! I really hoped he would do somethin totally different and more like ''Right now'' or some other old stuff of him. But nope, he didn't do that...
Well, it's catchy that's for sure.. But I'm not really fine with the lyrics.
Gangnam Style had at least a meaning, but gentleman doesn't really have. And what's with the ''Mother father Gentleman''?? This sounds pretty similiar to a certain curse word *cough, cough*. But that's probably Psy's way of trolling.^^' And also, the whole ''wet Psy'' doesn't make ANY sense...
But Gangnam Style wasn't actually popular because of the lyrics or the 'melody'. It became so popular because of the video and the dance. So, can at least the video of Gentleman compete with that??

PSY's coming to rule the world.

Psy: Muaaahahaha, I'm back. And now it's troll time..

Look at all the old men, chilling at this shop.. LOL

Psy: Let's think about how I can take over the world again..

Carrying the bags like a boss..

Is that the new dance?? (I mean Psy, not that crazy guy^^)

Girl: WTF?

Psy: Muahahahaha.
Uuuhm, Psy.. That isn't gentleman-like AT ALL!!

Psy: I don't care... *continues trolling girls*
Oh in the background!! He's back.

And he's also back.. (sorry I'm bad with the names.. I know this guy..)

Psy: Nananananaaa~
Yellow guy: Noooo, I have to pee!!!
Psy is so mean to all the people..
A very nice 'gentleman'.. -.-

No comment on that one..

It's the Abracadabra dance!!! So he meant this dance with the ''popular korean dance'' he would use.. Isn't that mean to Brown Eyed Girls? I mean, Gain is in this song (she will appear in a few seconds) but he uses a popular old song, for a world wide audience, who won't know that this is BEG's dance.. hmm...

He's even mean to little kiddies..
Kids: Uaaaaaah *cry*

I know him! But not his name.. xD

Girl: Uaaaaah...
Psy, stop being mean already.. xD

Yep, it's Psy's video...

How many people does he want to annoy??

And this guy, too.. *sigh*

Yeay, finally Gain comes.. Now, show him, that he has to treat girls right!!

Psy: Uuuh, I'm so sexy...
... not!!

G: Wtf??

Wait! I don't want your ugly jacket!

Yeay, Gain.. show him where his place is!!

Not sexy at all..

This gets odd..

Psy: Yeaaaaay, I've found my girl..
Gain: *I will just steal his money when he's asleep!!*

The same dance all over again...

Wet Psy... ah yeah this doesn't make sense..

Psy: Stay with me!!


Oh, that's old.. And there's GD on the left.. aaah :D

Now, he's wet^^

Lol, I didn't expect that.. xP

Bikini dancing... (poor guys on the floor xD)

Gain, being all sexy..
And is that GD in the background?? (the right one?)

Is that taeyang there on the left??

That was Gentleman..

Well, we have footage of the making..

Psy, you're doing something wrong.. xP

Psy: Sorry, soorry.. i will stop now!

Well, the video was funny, but it's not really THAT great..
I don't really like the way Psy treats all the people (especially the women). It should be funny, I know.. But still, I don't like that.
Well, at least Gain is great (although I prefer her in BEG singles).
Oh and about the dance.. It really shocked me at first.. I didn't think he would actually take another dance and make it his own. I like the dance (when BEG does it at least) but I said before that I don't like it in this song.. It looks odd.. kinda..
The song and video is decent, that's for sure... But I don't think it will catch up to Gangnam Style. (well, it already has over 10 million views, so prehaps I'm wrong?? let's see what happens next.. xP)

That's it.. Now the song is stuck in my head.. aargh xD
Well, good night :)

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