Thursday, February 13, 2014

climbing the stairs - little by little

Itano Tomomi is back with her 5th solo single and her first one after her graduation from AKB48. The single is called little and was released on Feburary 5th

Well, already the cover looks a bit creepy, doesn't it??
But I'm really happy that Tomochin is still confidentely and somewhat succesfully releasing solo stuff! For whatever reason I always loved her more when she was solo than her being in AKB. I totally love Dear J and 1% and even though her voie isn't the best, she sounds great in these songs!
little actually tooks a different direction for her. Usually she releases r&b stuff with some interesting dance. But this song begins a lot slower than the other mentioned songs. And wow did her voice improve!! o.O
I didn't know she could sing these deep parts soo good... And the chorus also surprised me, because it's pretty powerful and I love the No, No parts at the end (they are soo amazing!!).. Overall, nice improvement and nice change I think. :D
So let's take a closer look at the creepy video!

It begins with a sandglass..

And there's a natural looking Tomochin. Tomomi yeayy~

What? The sand goes into the wrong direction.. And what's the blood doing there??

Creepy eyes..

Tomomi: What's that???

Okay, the editing isn't THAT great xD

Ah okay.. she comes closer to the eye..


What??? She gets kidnapped into the eye??????

Ah, creepy hands.. :'D

Wow, this looks creepy yet cool.. :o

What happened to Tomochin's eyes??? Blood?? :o

Creepy people..

Whose hand is that??

A-another Tomomi??

2nd Tomomi: Hi, nice to meet you!

What, a third Tomomi?? Or is it the same as before?? This is confusing..

Tomomi: Don't be confused!!

Okay, so there are now really 3 Tomomis.. And two bad edited eyes on their hands..

Eyes everywhere.. Does someone has an obsession about eyes??

Wah, more creepy creatures..

And a rocker Tomomi!

There she looks pretty cool if you ask me!!

And here she has too much make-up.. this looks a bit cheap actually..

Yep, show your real eyes already!!

This location reminds me a bit of Dear J.. Is it on purpose??

Destroy it!!
Oh and look at the beautiful arm tattoos.. :D

A question: Why does she have so big eyes??

What's happening?

An evil tomochin??


Wah, another Tomomi..

Apperently she's kidnapped again..
But she looks really pretty here..

Eyes again!

Stop Tomomi, you look so angry now..

Perfect pic :)

Wow, she's a vampire?
Just kidding, but this looks creepy!

Now she is a princess or what??

Yep, definetely a princess ;)


Ah, okay.. Destroy the creatures!!

WHERE is she??

A last confident smile..

.. and we're back at the beginning sequene..

CHECK - no eyes..

And the sandglass works normally again..

But suddenly the tatto on her arm appears..

Wow, what a dark and creepy video.. And I love these kind of videos!!!!! :D
I don't quite understand this one, but it's all about eyes, that's for sure.. And Tomomi somehow gots kidnapped into an eye? But in the end she can free herself. One would think it was a dream, but she still has the tattoo in the end. Nice end.. ;)
I must say that I really enjoy the video. Well, it probably wasn't the most expensive video but it still delivers what it should do.. I hope Tomomi can keep up like this in the future.. :)

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