Sunday, June 23, 2024

Angerme - Bibitaru Ichigeki / Uwasa no Narushii / THANK YOU, HELLO GOOD BYE (Regular A) unboxing

Angerme released a new single and I will do an unboxing of it today. It is called Bibitaru Ichigeki / Uwasa no Narushii / THANK YOU, HELLO GOOD BYE and I bought the Regular A Edition.
This single is Sasaki Rikako's last single. I'm very sad because she is one of my favourite Idols ever, and she is also the last S/mileage/ Original Angerme member. T.T
I will miss her a lot but first let's look at this single.

A very cool cover, showing a very cool Angerme!
Like seriously, how do they all look so kakkoi?

The Obi

Purple is actually one of my favourite colours, so I am happy about this theme.

Hehe the title is also so cool: Beautiful Strike
We see there was a strike in the CD design haha

The cover and close-up's of all the members.
It took me some time to get used to the newer members, but this is a strong line-up.

And the lyrics

And my photocard is Wakana.
Well.. she is adorable but not really my favourite member.

But I am very very happy about the shop bonus of the whole group!

1. Bibitaru Ichigeki
2. Uwasa no Narushii
4. Bibitaru Ichigeki (Instrumental)
5. Uwasa no Narushii (Instrumental)
6. THANK YOU, HELLO GOOD BYE (Instrumental)

Bibitaru Ichigeki is a very powerful song, it is so far my favourite song of 2024! Like I'm not kidding when I say I listen to it several times a day. Also the music video is a masterpiece. 
Uwasa no Narushii is a more layed back song, but it also fits the members very well and I love to hear the vocals. And okay Yuki, wow she is amazing!!
THANK YOU, HELLO GOOD BYE is Rikako's graduation song (cryingggg) and wow, it is perfect for her. As for graduation songs, this is definitely my favourite from recent ones!

Overall this such a strong single, Rikako definitely deserved the best and she got it.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Juice=Juice - Tokyo Blur / Naimono Love / Oaiko (Regular C) unboxing

Today I am doing an Unboxing of Juice=Juice's 18th single Tokyo Blur / Naimono Love / Oaiko (Regular C).
This single acts as Uemura Akari's last single, as she graduated from the group last week.
As she was the last original member of the group, her graduation has a lot of sentimental value for me. I was really excited for this single.
The only downside is that Mifu still couldn't participate due to her condition. But now she is doing better so I hope we will see her first single release soon!

This time I got the Cover for Oaiko, which is centered around Aari for her graduation. 
I thought the cover was very lovely and aöö the members look so pretty.

Herr is the Obi

Inside of the CD

The CD!

Aaaand I absolutely love that we get pictures of all the three A-sides here! They look so good in all of them. I love the member colors for Naimono Love and the styling for Tokyo Blur is absolitely amazing.

The lyrics

Zooming in on all of them, here is another view of the cover

Member colors all the way!

Aari is glowing here and look at Ruru!! 

And as a trading card I got Akaringo.
Omg she is so cute and she has definitely been growing on me recently!

The CD Japan bonus with Tokyo Blur set is so pretty. 
I already hung it up my wall haha

1. Tokyo Blur
2. Naimono Love
3. Oaiko
4. Brilliance of memories - Uemura Akari
5. Tokyo Blur (Instrumental)
6. Naimono Love (Instrumental)
7. Oaiko (Instrumental)
8. Brilliance of memories (Instrumental)

Let me talk about all the songs real quick.
Tokyo Blur is my absolute favourite Juice=Juice song in a long while! I love the city pop vibe and the YumeRiai center. Listening to this song makes me feel like the group will be fine. Aldo, Ruru's last bridge is one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard!
Naimono Love is a very decent song as well. I especially love that besides Aari and Rei it is focused on Ichika, Sakura and Akaringo. These three sound amazing and should get more solo lines in the future.
Then we have Oaiko, which despite some rap parts is quite an emotional track. I can feel the love towards Aari in this one and it does make me emotional.
Lastly there is Brilliance of memories, which is Aari's solo graduation song. Oh wow, this definitely made me cry. I am glad that she hot such a beautiful farewell as their leader and last original member.

All in all this is such a great single and I am really happy about it.