
Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Update in Japan

Hello everyone!

I can't believe I only posted two unboxings in October!! o.o
A lot of things have happened and I'm enjoying my life in Japan, while still having to study and do other things. It's so much fun to travel around (especially Tokyo) and to go eat out with friends and of course KARAOKE!! *-*

Here I will post some photos of what I've been lately:

I went to Disneyland Sea *_* Only for 4 hours (it's cheaper after 6), but was still sooo great!!



I think I fell in love with Shinjuku!! <3

And food:

This blog turned 4 years old, which is also kind of amazing!! I can't promise you anything, but I will try to write from time to time, even though I'm pretty busy..

So for now, bye bye!! :3

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