
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Dareka ga nageta Ball - the uplifting Undergirls song

Today I will talk about the song ''Dareka ga nageta Ball'' from AKB48's 37th single ''Kokoro no Placard''.

This song is performed by the Undergirls line-up that the fans voted in the 6th Election back in June. It's a very interesting line-up because it's not as SKE dominated as it was the last years (there are a looot more younger girls though), but at the same time Kaotan is the center of this song. I was really excited to see a funny song for her..

Well, Dareka ga nageta Ball is actually more like a fast-paced ballad.. When the trailer was released I didn't really care for this song, but listening to the whole thing now it's actually very beautiful. Okay, it doesn't really fit Kaotan's funny personality, but it is a really nice, relaxing piece of music in my opinion. Even though the title is a bit strange (The ball that someone threw), the lyrics are actually very nice and up-lifting! :D I especially love this part:

Throw that ball
You don't have to worry so much

I won't lose you
But first
Try to love yourself
And surely
Someone you don't know
Will return
That ball to you
You're right here

Yep, I totally love the lyrics and they do fit the song pretty good. :)
That being said, let's take a look at the video now:

In the first shot we see the members from far away. Iriyama Anna and Minegishi Minami both aren't included in the dance shot, which means here are only 14 girls. Annin was still recovering from the handshake incident and Miichan had kidney cest at that time, so they were both resting for their own good. :)

I totally love outdoor shots, it just looks so natural. Seems like the girls are on a trip or something.

Kaotan filming the others. Haha, that's so like her.
Yuria and Masanya look a bit annoyed though, haha xD

Cutie Milky is smiling into the camera.

Lol, Nana. xD

Akicha & Kitarie.
I kind of like Akicha's short hair.. It gives her a fresh feeling.

Haha, Rie!! xD That looks funny.
And Tomu is also laughing in the background^^

The seifuku are pretty simple, but I like them. :)

I have the feeling that Kaotan looks a bit younger here. :)

Kaotan, the paparazzi continues filming/ taking photos.

NMB cuties. It's odd to see both Milky and Nana iin this line-up.

The Undergirls! :D

Haha, Churi is a lion. xD
And it's sooooo nice to see Madoka. :D

And seeing these three together is sad, since Yuria isn't in SKE anymore. :/

Kaotan has fun ^^

And now she joins the others for the photo.

Masanya, KatoRena and Churi are playing a card game in their hotel room.

Seeing them laughing is so nice to see. *-*

Haha, seems like Rena lost..

Kaotan is walking through the forest on her own..

The dance-shot is so simple but beautiful at the same time.

Rie and Haruppi! That's a cute shot.

Kaotan is finally filming herself.

Okay, the dance isn't really hard. :'D

But I think it's cute, that they are forming a ball with their hands. :)
And Kaotan looks nice as a center, I don't understand why so many people have a problem with her (okay, I didn't really like her at first, too, but I didn't know her..)

Cuties everywhere. :D

I have to say that Rie-chan looks very pretty here. I'm happy that she could rank so high. :)

Haruppi and Kitarie looking at each other. This looks like  anice friendship. :)

What are they doing? Churi, haha xD

Nana, Juri and Mio are fishing!

The members look all very beautiful. :)

Ooooooooooooooooh, Miichan!!! :D
Wow, it's cool to see her in the video, even though she isn't included in the dance shot. :)

Of course Kaotan is filming her, haha.

Oh, Miichan. :)


Wow, so some girls are really playing with a ball? That's cool. xD


Madoka (so nice to see her in Undergirls, btw!)

Tomu (also very happy about her!!)

And Yuria. They seem to have a lot of fun. :D

Milky is sitting all alone reading a book..

Aww, she's such a cutie. *-*

Haha, Kaotan is still funny.. xD

Yeah, Milky going crazy. :D

Yuria and Tomu are having fun, too. ^^

Kawaii!! Rena is simply adorable here!

Haruppi!! She looks so cute. :)

Nana, Juri & Mio. What are you doing, Juri???

KitaRie is dancing.

Akicha and Madoka (putting the tall ones together, nice xD)

Miichan!! :3

Oh, here's the ball again..

The different shots in this video are very beautiful.

And these shots are so cool. I love natural Idol shots.

So they are having a party?

Seems like everyone has fun..

Haruppi, why are you the only one sitting on the ground? xP

Yeah, we know you're cute.. xD

AnRe! OMG!!!!!! Annin is in the video!!!!!!!! OH MY GOSH!!!

The night scenes are so bautiful. :) (And Annin, OMG)

Seriously,  cried sooo much at this part when I first saw it (and I still get tears in my eyes).
It's just so nice to see Annin smiling again..


:') Annin!! :)

The dance shot again..

Such a nice end - everyone is holding hands!

As you can see, I really liked this video. It is simple and very natural and that's what makes it so charming. Seeing the members interacting with each other is nice to see and I love the locations (like, they are outside most of the times), especially the night scenes. Everyone looked so beautiful and I loved the little Miichan and Annin scenes. It makes me happy to see them smile again. :) Especially Annin, who had to go through SO much!

So yeah, I really love this video. It's nice together with the uplifting lyrics, since it's such a beautiful video. *-*